The Department is working on a 25-year strategic plan to help preserve, protect and perpetuate fish, wildlife, and habitat while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreation and commercial opportunities.

We need your help. What actions do we start with? What have we forgotten? 

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* 1. Are you a... (choose best description)

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* 2. Do you have any overarching feedback for the Department on this effort?

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* 3. To connect people to nature and conservation through recreation and stewardship, please rank the actions we should do from most urgent (1) to least urgent (7). 

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* 4. To move WDFW towards operational and environmental excellence, please rank the following actions we should do from most urgent (1) to least urgent (10).

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* 5. To proactively address conservation challenges, please rank the following actions we should do, from most urgent (1) to least urgent (11).

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* 6. To deliver science that informs Washington's most pressing fish and wildlife questions, please rank the following actions we should do from most to least urgent.

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* 7. To build passionate constituencies through community engagement, please rank the following actions from most urgent (1) to least urgent (12).

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* 8. Are there important action that we're forgetting to include? 

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* 9. Is there an item that has you either concerned, or inspired? 

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* 10. Please share if you'd like to be notified of future news regarding this draft plan.

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* 11. In what part of the state do you live?

Thank you for your time. We value your feedback.

If you have questions, please contact the WDFW strategic planning team at