BC Renegade Hackathon Registration 2019 Confirmation Emails will be sent on April 3rd Confirmation emails will be sent. To stay up to date on competition events, go to the Slack Channel...see BC web page. OK Question Title * 1. What is your first name? OK Question Title * 2. What is your last name? OK Question Title * 3. Best Email OK Question Title * 4. Contact Phone Number OK Question Title * 5. How did you hear about the Hackathon Posters materials on Campus BC Website Radio Social Media Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 6. What areas are you interested/skill set Art Communication Engineering Humanities Science (STEM, Public Health Science, Nursing, etc.) Technology Business/ Entrepreneurship Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. Do you have any dietary restrictions? OK Question Title * 8. Please enter your shirt size below (note shirts are for the first 50 participants who are registered) Small Medium Large Extra Large Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. Start thinking about your team. This can change up to the start of the competition. Please enter TBD in names if you don't know your entire team yet. This is only here to help you start thinking about your team. Enter your name in the role you see yourself.Filling this out, will help us place you into a team later if needed. Make sure to join SLACK below..this will help you also find team members.JOIN Slack to get questions answered and get placed on a team, join a team and to learn more about the competition. Team Leader Researcher - Community Impact Lead Communication/Marketing - Pitch Lead Technologist - Tech lead Other - can move between roles above OK Question Title * 10. Have you joined SLACK and have you set up a work channel? Why because this is how all the updates will be posted plus short how to youtube videos. Yes, Absolutely! Done! Boom! No, not yet...getting to it this week..I promise! What is Slack? (To find out...go back to website www.bcinnovates website to download Slack) OK SUBMIT