Boston Children's Hospital Comic Book Survey

Boston Children’s Hospital values input from our patients and the general community on their attitudes towards clinical research and how best to communicate about general research topics.

We have developed two comic books to help educate families and the public about research and provide information that may be helpful in deciding whether to participate in a research study. We welcome your feedback about the comic books and any ideas for additional educational materials. Please consider taking this 5-minute survey after reading the comic book.
1.Please check the category that best describes you
2.Check the category for the age of the person who will read the comic book.
3.Please check the category that best describes you. You may choose more than one.
4.What comic book did you read?
5.Please rate the following items:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The comic book was easy to understand.
The comic book helped me or my child understand more about research.
The comic book helped me think about questions to consider if I or my child was asked to participate in research.
The comic book helped me understand that I have choices and that participation in research is voluntary.
I feel better educated about clinical research.
6.Please  provide any additional comments that you would like to share about the comic book.
7.For what other research related topics would you recommend developing educational materials?
8.What type of educational material would you like to see in the future? You may check more than one.
9.Please provide any additional suggestions about ways to better education the public about clinical research
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered