1. Introduction

Your opportunity to have a say on Play for your area!

Belfast City Council (in partnership with PlayBoard NI) is working on the development of a Play Strategy for the area. The play strategy is important as it will help to guide council as it works to meet play need over the coming years.

As we develop the strategy we are keen to hear the views of Parents and Carers regarding current play opportunities. This will help us to get a clearer understanding of the issues that need to be addressed within the Play Strategy. In addition to this survey for Parents/Carers we are also providing a survey for Community Organisations and a survey for Children and Young People.

In completing the survey it is important that you provide as much of the information requested as possible as this will allow us to get an in-depth view of current play provision and areas of play need.

Should you have any queries regarding this survey, please contact Angela Stallard via email Angela.Stallard@playboard.co.uk.

Question Title

* 1. Please Note: In order to comply with the GDPR requirements we are required to ask you to indicate below whether you agree to take part in this survey. The survey is being undertaken by PlayBoard on behalf of Belfast City Council. Data will be used for the sole purpose of collecting views on play.

12% of survey complete.