Indicators on Mind, Body and Performance (New Students)

Thank you so much for signing up to The Nature of Success journey, the information you about to give us remains private and confidential. All answers are anonymous. Please read each statement and click the answer that best describes you today. There are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any statement.
1.How did you hear about the 'The Nature of Success' 10-step program?(Required.)
2.What inspired you to begin 'The Nature of Success' 10-step program?(Required.)
3.How much do you know about meditation?(Required.)
4.How is your mental health?(Required.)
5.How is your physical health?(Required.)
6.Overall, how is your health and wellbeing practices?(Required.)
7.When I'm at work I'm often...(Required.)
8.What would best describe your performance right now?(Required.)
9.My lifestyle is...(Required.)
10.My sleep is...(Required.)
11.Any other comments you would like to make?