Consultation Questionnaire

The goal of Better Brick—Nepal (BBN) is to address labor conditions on brick kilns, which employ approximately 200,000 people in Nepal and provide critical inputs to a construction industry. BBN seeks to eliminate child, forced, and bonded labor on brick kilns in Nepal by creating a market-driven model for ethical brick production. BBN uses an incentive-based model that includes a robust verification and certification system against the BBN Standard to create improvements in labor and enterprise practices. GoodWeave manages the BBN Standard and certification system.

As per recommended best practice, GoodWeave is reviewing the Better Brick Nepal Standard, which was first published in 2015. The purpose of the review is to evaluate issues that have been collected through monitoring and evaluation activities regarding standard interpretation, compliance, and context over the past five years. Stakeholder engagement is critical for a robust review process.

You are kindly invited to participate in the Better Brick Nepal Standard consultation. We ask that you comment on the proposals included in this survey and suggest that you have access to the BBN standard for reference while answering the questions. We encourage you to provide detailed responses and examples to support your feedback. All feedback will be kept confidential.

Please complete the survey by May 30, 2020.

For questions, you may contact Elisabeth Bystrom at