AFNR Standards - Food Products and Processing Systems Career Cluster
Food Products and Processing Systems Standards
The National FFA Organization and The National Council for Agriculture Education are cooperating to lead this review of the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Career Cluster Content Standards that teachers use to guide instruction. This review will allow us to determine the continued relevance of those standards.
Those who complete this survey and provide us with their contact information at the end of the survey will be entered in a drawing. We'll be giving away 10 $100 gift cards.
You are being asked to specifically focus on standards for the Food Products and Processing Systems Career Cluster. Here are a few careers you might find in this Career Cluster:
Food Chain Outreach Coordinator
Food Technologist
Packaging Engineer
Product Development Manager/Demand Planner
Each standard is further defined by performance indicators and measurements. You will be asked to evaluate each level--standards, performance indicators and measurements.