TDHCA Compliance Customer Service Survey Question Title * 1. Name of Development: As part of our continued efforts to improve TDHCA’s compliance monitoring process, we need your feedback. Question Title * 2. What type of review was conducted? Physical Inspection Resident File Audit Date: Question Title * 3. Physical Inspector: Third Party Contractor: Onsite Insight The Inspection Group Third Party Contractor: menu Name of Inspector: Question Title * 4. Name of TDHCA Compliance Monitor/Physical Inspector Select One: Amy Hammond Billy Bryant Cherie Shearfield Cody Campbell David Iruegas Enrique Trejo Jackie Kawas John Nunley Justin Merrill Kimbal Thompson Linda Salazar Manuel Pena Meg Tynan Michael Podoloff Nicole Munoz Patricia Villarreal Rosa Turovsky Skip Beaird Stephanie Givens Stephen Jung Steve Wilkinson Virginia Vasterling Walter Griner Wendy Quackenbush Select One: menu Select One: Amy Hammond Billy Bryant Cherie Shearfield Cody Campbell David Iruegas Enrique Trejo Jackie Kawas John Nunley Justin Merrill Kimbal Thompson Linda Salazar Manuel Pena Meg Tynan Michael Podoloff Nicole Munoz Patricia Villarreal Rosa Turovsky Skip Beaird Stephanie Givens Stephen Jung Steve Wilkinson Virginia Vasterling Walter Griner Wendy Quackenbush Select One: menu Select One: Amy Hammond Billy Bryant Cherie Shearfield Cody Campbell David Iruegas Enrique Trejo Jackie Kawas John Nunley Justin Merrill Kimbal Thompson Linda Salazar Manuel Pena Meg Tynan Michael Podoloff Nicole Munoz Patricia Villarreal Rosa Turovsky Skip Beaird Stephanie Givens Stephen Jung Steve Wilkinson Virginia Vasterling Walter Griner Wendy Quackenbush Select One: menu Question Title * 5. Did the monitor/inspector(s) arrive on time? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 6. Was the inspection conducted in a professional, efficient, and courteous manner? Yes No Question Title * 7. Did the review result in any findings of noncompliance? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 8. Did the monitor/inspector(s) communicate with you any findings or deficiencies they may have had with the property’s resident files and/or conditions of the units? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 9. Was the monitor/inspector able to address your questions? Yes No Question Title * 10. Are there any improvements you feel may make the compliance monitoring process easier? No Yes Question Title * 11. When you contact a TDHCA Compliance monitor using e-mail or voicemail, do you receive a prompt response (1-3 business days)? Never Always Never Always Question Title * 12. Are Program Monitors usually knowledgeable and able to answer your questions? Never Always Never Always Question Title * 13. Is the TDHCA website useful? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 14. Any other comments or information you would like to share? No Yes Question Title * 15. What can the Compliance Division do to better serve your needs as an owner or manager? Question Title * 16. Other comments or suggestions? Question Title * 17. Would you like TDHCA to contact you about any of the comments you have made above? (If yes, please make sure the contact information is filled out below.) Yes No Question Title * 18. Contact Information: Name: Title: Management Company: Email: Phone Number: Done