The nomination period will be open until April 1st, and the winner will be announced on April 30th. This award is for an individual who has received an organ, eye, or tissue transplant. The award recipient will not only have bounced back from their transplant, but they will also be someone who works to give back to the community. They live a healthy and active lifestyle and work to support others going through the transplant process. They will have achieved greatness by inspiring and motivating others to thrive post-transplant.

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* 1. Your Contact Information 

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* 2. Your Nominee's Contact Information

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* 3. Nominee's Information Continued

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* 4. Tell us about the nominee and their transplant journey.

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* 5. This award aims to recognize a transplant recipient who has bounced back and gone on to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Please describe how your nominee exemplifies this.

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* 6. This award also aims to recognize someone who has given back to the community after their transplant. Please identify how your nominee has given back. This could be through volunteerism, work, advocacy, community support, activities and events, or more.

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* 7. To the best of my knowledge, everything included in this form is true and accurate. Please initial.

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* 8. I agree to the Contest Rules. Please initial.