Employer Survey

EnerTrain is preparing to develop training and assessment resources for the following skill set, from the UEG Gas Industry Training Package.

Your responses will provide valuable information, allowing us to contextualise the learning & assessment materials to best fit industry needs.

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* 1. Personal Details (type n/a for details you cannot provide)

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* 2. Please describe how your business uses/works with Hydrogen.

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* 3. Please describe how your teams work with, or are exposed to Hydrogen.

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* 4. When would your team members be required to communicate with authorities or clients, and how would this occur?

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* 5. What consultation mechanisms do you have in place, that your teams are required to regularly participate in?

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* 6. Do your LOTO (lock-out, tag-out) procedures vary from typical LOTO processes?

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* 7. Which of the below emergency preparedness measures, must your teams implement, prior to conducting work?

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* 8. Which of the below types of fire response equipment might your teams use in an emergency situation?

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* 9. Are there any licensing requirements in place, for the works your teams complete?

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* 10. Which of the below risk mitigation processes do your teams perform prior to entering work areas?

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* 11. Do your teams use hydrogen gas detectors?

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* 12. Please describe the typical causes of potential Hydrogen incidents and ignition sources on your work site/s?

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* 13. Do your teams work with Hydrogen in classified Hazardous Areas?

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* 14. Briefly describe the process your teams use to obtain permits, clearances and isolation permissions.

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* 15. Please provide basic details of any shut down procedures or suppression systems in place at your site/s, and a basic description of their operation.

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* 16. Are you willing to have a meeting with EnerTrain to further discuss what you'd like to see in this training program?