Baseline Stress Level Quiz

In the last 3 weeks how often did you...

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* 1. Have an upset tummy (not due to what you ate or an underlying condition)?

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* 2. Absorb the stress or emotions from other people?

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* 3. Have headaches, migraines, or trouble focusing because your brain feels full?

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* 4. Lose your appetite, find food unappealing, or eat more than usual?

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* 5. Have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep?

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* 6. Have an unusually fast heart rate or feel your heart pounding in your ears?

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* 7. Drink or use drugs to "take the edge off"?

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* 8. Have trouble focusing, making decisions, or have muddled thinking?

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* 9. Get angry or have other out-of-character emotional responses?

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* 10. Forget details, appointments, or what you were supposed to be doing?

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* 11. Feel worried that something bad might happen?

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* 12. Feel melancholy or take little joy in things you like?