BAA Annual Audiology Conference - Topics and Speakers Survey Question Title * 1. Have you attended the BAA Annual Conference previously? Yes No Question Title * 2. What are the key topics you'd like covered at this year's conference on 20th & 21st November?(e.g., adult rehab, paediatric audiology, tinnitus management, latest hearing aid tech, vestibular assessment, leadership skills, AI, auditory implants, etc.) Question Title * 3. What format do you prefer for sessions? (choose as many as you like) Keynote Presentation General Presentation Interactive workshops Panel discussions Case study presentations Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Are there any specific speakers or experts you'd love to hear from?(Feel free to name UK or international speakers!) Question Title * 5. How likely are you to attend the conference? Very likely Likely Unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 6. Any other suggestions to make this conference even better? Question Title * 7. Please provide your name: First nameLast name Question Title * 8. Please provide your email address: Email address Done