Online Grant Application

The Bricks & Clicks Grant Program encourages business retention and beautification by providing resources to downtown merchants and property owners to invest in facade improvements and/or e-commerce.

The program is administered by the Vancouver’s Downtown Association, a local non-profit Main Street organization whose mission is to keep downtown vibrant.

This program has been crafted to support businesses during Main Street reconstruction, slated to begin Q2 2024. Priority for this opportunity will be given to constituents who are directly impacted by construction activities on Main Street from 5th street to 15th street.

Please refer to the Bricks & Clicks Information Packet for full grant details, including eligibility requirements, guidelines and deadlines. Details provided in packet are pertinent for approval. 

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* 1. Applicant Information

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* 2. Type of Grant

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* 3. For Bricks Grant: Does the applicant own the building?

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* 4. For Bricks grant: If you do not own the building, have you received written approval from building owner?

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* 5. Are you located along Main Street from 5th - 15th?

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* 6. Please describe the project for which you are seeking grant funding (explain your challenge and opportunity, and how this grant will help):

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* 7. Please explain how the project will enhance your business (or property) AND our community:

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* 8. What is the proposed implementation timeline?

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* 9. Estimated project cost (provide a cost breakdown by major categories such as signs, awnings, painting, lighting, repair, carpentry, design, tax, technology subscription, etc):

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* 10. Grants will be made for amounts up to $2,000, dependent on grant demand. A 20% grantee match is required. If your project exceeds $2,000 or if you don't receive full project funding from the Vancouver's Downtown Association, are you able to cover the expenses?*

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* 11. To finalize application, please also provide these attachments via email: 

BRICKS: written approval from property owner if applicable, project estimate cost breakdown by major categories, copies of any permits, copy of current business license, photos of current exterior, and any examples or photos of materials desired for project. 

CLICKS: screenshots/photos of current problem, screenshots/photos/links of proposed solutions. 

You understand that you need to email these attachments separately to after submitting this form in order to have a completed application.

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* 12. Application Certification: I certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and that the requested grant funds will be used only for purposes described in this application and emailed attachments. I understand it is my responsibility to obtain all necessary permits and to make sure my project meets all state and local laws and codes. I certify that I will not change the proposed project unless there is written approval from Vancouver's Downtown Association