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Survey on veterinary laboratory medicine
Veterinary laboratory medicine
Laboratory /diagnostic tests contribute to animals’ health. Correct diagnostic and therapeutic decisions rely, to great extent, on the accuracy of test results. Adequate patient preparation, specimen collection, and specimen handling are essential prerequisites for accurate test results. Nowadays, diagnostic tests enable the early detection, management and control of diseases of livestock as well as of companion animals.
For example, in France, human laboratory medicine is under the legislation of the medical acts: only doctors and biologists can certify and sign laboratory tests, and human laboratories are not allowed to perform analysis on animal samples. But there is no such law regarding veterinary laboratory medicine. The French veterinary profession intends to lodge an appeal to the government for a law on veterinary laboratory medicine.
FVE would like to have a view on the situation regarding veterinary laboratory medicine in Europe, since the regulatory landscape across Europe for laboratories performing diagnostic tests on animal samples may differ.
We would like to have one answer per country. DEADLINE: 21 February 2020
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