Framework for Disability Inclusive Healthcare: Patient Experiences |
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
The survey is also available in an easy-read format and in some other languages. Hard copies are also available for those who need them. For details of support sessions to help with completing this survey please email
This questionnaire is for disabled patients or patients with a long-term health condition, within Greater Manchester’s Health and Social Care organisations.
Completing this survey should take you only 10 -15 minutes.
There are 32 questions for you to answer.
This survey aims to help Greater Manchester (GM) Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), and hopefully wider organisations to be better providers to Disabled People and people with Long-Term Conditions. The findings from this survey will help co-produce a framework for a Healthcare Inclusion Framework.
If your accessibility needs are not met for completing this survey, or you need help please email for assistance and dates of survey support drop-ins.
Thank you for taking the time to participate we really appreciate your feedback.
None of the personal information gained from this survey will be shared directly with healthcare providers and will be kept anonymous.
Completing this survey should take you only 10 -15 minutes.
There are 32 questions for you to answer.
This survey aims to help Greater Manchester (GM) Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), and hopefully wider organisations to be better providers to Disabled People and people with Long-Term Conditions. The findings from this survey will help co-produce a framework for a Healthcare Inclusion Framework.
If your accessibility needs are not met for completing this survey, or you need help please email for assistance and dates of survey support drop-ins.
Thank you for taking the time to participate we really appreciate your feedback.
None of the personal information gained from this survey will be shared directly with healthcare providers and will be kept anonymous.