Invasive Species Survey

Please complete the King Townships Invasive Species Survey 2024. Your answers will be used to gain an understanding of the community's current knowledge regarding invasive species in King.

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* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. What would you say is the your knowledge level regarding invasive species?

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* 4. How familiar are you with Legislation and Regulations governing invasives species in Ontario?

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* 5. Have you heard of the following Organizations, Strategies or Acts that are working toward eliminating Invasive Species in Ontario? (Choose all that apply)

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* 6. Do you know about the Township of King’s Clean Yards By-Law?

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* 7. How important are King Township’s natural areas to you?

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* 8. While engaging in outdoor activities, how frequently do you check your equipment i.e. Bottom of shoe/boots, vehicle tires, your bike, clothing, boat etc. to ensure that you are not transporting invasive species?

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* 9. What types of activities do you undertake while using the natural areas in King Township? (Check all that apply)

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* 10. Are you concerned about the impact that invasive species are having on the natural environment in King Township?

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* 11. What do you think are the biggest impacts of invasive species on King Township?

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* 12. Are you familiar with any of these Noxious Weeds? (check all that apply):

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* 13. Which of the following Terrestrial Invasive Species have you heard of?

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* 14. Which of these Aquatic Invasive Species have you heard of?

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* 15. Do you have a wood burning stove/fireplace/burn pit at your residence?

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* 16. If you answered yes to question 17, where do you get your wood from?

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* 17. Are you aware that invasive species such as forest damaging pests can be transported with firewood?

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* 18. Are you aware of any invasive species that are/were growing on your property?

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* 19. If you have treated/removed invasive species on your property, what methods of management did you use?

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* 20. Was the management technique successful?

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* 21. Are you aware of the EnrichKing Community Grant which can be utilized to support the management of invasive species on private property? (

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* 22. Have you ever participated in a volunteer event within King Township where invasive species were targeted and removed?

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* 23. If no, would you be interested in participating in this type of event?

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* 24. Have you ever used EDDMaps or any other app to report invasive species in King Township?

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* 25. What resources would you like to see made available to residents to increase knowledge of invasive species?

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* 26. Do you have any other comments about Invasive Species in King Township?