Thank you for your interest in serving on the Coordinating Committee (CC)! This application will remain open for individuals to apply at any time, even if there are not currently any open positions. As existing members leave the committee, we will return to this pool of applicants to fill those open positions.
We believe that those volunteering in these roles will benefit from the ability to shape the future of The Health Collaborative and our region, gain new leadership skills, and participate in various professional development opportunities.
Role of the Coordinating CommitteeThe role of the CC is to build and maintain a strong and active collaborative structure with broad ownership and leadership opportunities, representing the diversity of the Dan River Region. The committee focuses on process, structure, and governance, but not content. Developing specific strategies to address our vision areas (active living, food justice, quality healthcare, and healthy spaces) is the role of the local chapters and chapter work groups.
General Responsibilities:In partnership with Staff, the Coordinating Committee will:
- Develop and implement an annual work plan to support the approach outlined in the Health for All Action Plan.
- Provide support to Chapter Chairs and chapter work groups to support the approach outlined in the Health for All Action Plan and the goals outlined in each Chapter’s work plan.
- Ensure that all practices and procedures align with The Health Collaborative mission, vision, and guiding principles, as well as best practices in the field.
- Represent the interests of partner organizations and the broader community, including all three geographic areas of the region.
- Promote The Health Collaborative and related work in the broader community, while also encouraging collaboration across organizations, sectors, and communities.
- Help identify and support resource development strategies to ensure sustainability of The Health Collaborative.
- Ensure that succession planning is in place for leaders, Staff, and fiscal agents.
- Ensure that ongoing accountability processes are in place for fiscal agent, Staff, volunteer roles and membership.
- Participate in no more than two Coordinating Committee Action Teams focused on major goals from the annual work plan (see more below)
General Requirements:
- Ability to commit 8-10 hours per month to Coordinating Committee duties (including full committee and action team meetings and responsibilities)
- Ability to commit to attending 6 bi-monthly Coordinating Committee meetings per year, with the expectation that members will miss no more than 2 meetings
- Attend Racial Equity Institute Phase 1 Training (or similar training)
- Attend 2-hour Committee orientation
- Regularly communicate with Staff and Coordinating Committee Chair
Term Limit:
Coordinating Committee members will serve a 2 year term with the option for continuation.
Our committee needs people with diverse skills, experiences, and perspectives, so we encourage anyone who is interested to apply. At this time, we are also looking for people who can help support our policy and advocacy work, people who have skills or interest in marketing and communications, and people who are familiar with nonprofit management skills and knowledge of funding streams.
If you have questions or would like to discuss this role further, please contact Maggie Richardson ( or 434-766-6761