Croatia Avenue Park Community Response Form Question Title * 1. Name Question Title * 2. Email Question Title * 3. Address Address Address 2 ZIP/Postal Code Mobile Question Title * 4. Do you agree with Council’s draft Landscape Concept Plan for Croatia Avenue Park? Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree Question Title * 5. Would you change parts of the draft Landscape Concept Plan? No Yes, as suggested below Undecided Question Title * 6. lf you have several suggestions, please number each of them to ensure we can provide a separate response to each suggestion. More emphasis should be given to: Question Title * 7. Less emphasis should be given to: Question Title * 8. In relation to the draft Landscape Concept Plan, please list in order your top five preferences of what would need to be delivered at Croatia Avenue Park. Question Title * 9. Once construction is completed how often would you visit the Park? Daily 1-2 times a month Never At least once per week A few times a year Question Title * 10. During what time period are you more likely to visit the park? Early morning (5am– 9am) Morning (9am – 12noon) Afternoon (12noon –5pm) Evening (5pm – 9pm) Night (9pm – 5am) Never Question Title * 11. Would you most likely visit the park on a weekday or weekend? Weekdays Weekends Question Title * 12. What is your favourite activity or feature of a park? Children's net play Children's natural play space Informal ball kicking area Outdoor Gym Picnic shelters Having a picnic Walking paths Casual play and games Other (please tell us how you would use the park) Question Title * 13. Do you have any further comments regarding Croatia Avenue Park? Done