
This stipend program aims to provide funding to libraries, adult education centers, and nonprofit organizations in Cumberland County for programs that increase digital literacy, provide access to devices, and promote online safety. Maximum stipend amount is $5,000.

Grant applications can be made starting April 8th, 2024. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until funds are expended. Applicants can expect a decision on their applications within 30 days of submission. Please contact Clara McCool at with any questions.
Contact Information

Question Title

* 1. Organization name

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* 2. Contact person name and title

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* 3. Contact person email address

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* 4. Contact person phone number

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* 5. Executive Director or Board Chair (if no ED) and title

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* 6. Executive Director or Board Chair (if no ED) email

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* 7. Executive Director or Board Chair (if no ED) phone number

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* 8. Mailing address where check should be mailed

Application Information

Stipends can be used:
  • To pay salaries or stipends for additional staff time needed to administer or present digital equity programs or help people one-on-one
  • To purchase devices for public use such as laptops, tablets, ebooks, loanable hotspots, large screen TVs for group classes, or other IT needs (e.g. commercial grade router).
  • For furniture or other equipment needed to outfit a remote workspace.
  • For public outreach and communications to advertise training/help sessions.
  • Or other training specific to the target population. For example, navigating government benefit websites or online employment sites.
The project must focus on at least one of the following populations:
  • Low-Income (< 150% FPL)
  • Seniors (> 60)
  • Rural residents
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Members of a racial or ethnic minority group
  • Veterans
  • Individuals with a language barrier, including those who are English learners or have low literacy levels
  • Incarcerated individuals

Question Title

* 9. How much are you requesting? (up to a maximum of $5,000)

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* 10. In a few sentences, please describe how the funds will be used.

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* 11. Please describe the goal(s) you are working toward with this funding.

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* 12. Please describe the timeline for using the funds.

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* 13. Which of the covered populations do you intend to serve with this funding? Please check all that apply.

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* 14. Data Collection

Due to the origins of Greater Portland Council of Government’s funding for these stipends, data collection is required for the following data points:
  • List the type of digital skills trainings provided, how many trainings were offered, and their dates. Please also track the total number of participants in the trainings.
  • Number of individuals receiving technical assistance (one-on-one help).
  • Specifically, the number of people taking an internet safety class.
  • Number and types of devices provided for ownership or loan; the number of devices for public access and number of people using them.
  • Any digital skills training that is relevant to the target populations. Include the number and type of training and number of participants. (For example, an onsite training to learn to navigate educational or public benefit websites).

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* 15. Summary Report Requirements

Please note:
A summary of your project (completed or ongoing), results, and data submission is required by December 13, 2024. No more than one or two pages is required.

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* 16. Signature

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* 17. Date