Autumn 2024 Derby Book Festival Evaluation Form - Young People's Events

1.Are you a member of a library?
2.How did you hear about Derby Book Festival? (Please tick all that apply)
3.Which event/s have you attended at the Autumn Edition 2024? (Please tick all that apply)
4.Have you ever attended Derby Book Festival before?
5.Which of these applies to your experience/s of attending Derby Book Festival events? (Please tick all that apply)
6.Which of these, if any, matches how your group felt after today’s event? (Please tick all that apply)
7.Please rate your overall experience of attending Derby Book Festival
8.What events would you be interested in attending in the future? (Please tick all that apply)
9.Please indicate your age group
10.Do you consider yourself or anyone in your group to have a disability?
11.How would you describe your ethnic background?
12.How would you describe your gender identity?
13.How would you describe your sexual orientation?
14.If you'd like to be entered into a prize draw to win a £25 book voucher, please leave your email address below (please note: you will be added to our mailing list and your email address will be stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998).
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered