Exit 2023 NYSIW End of Workshop Survey Thank you so much for taking a few moments to complete this survey that will be given to the next workshop committee to help with their efforts. Please answer honestly and fully. Question Title * 1. Did you find new information/ideas to enhance your service experience at this workshop? Yes, I found new information at this workshop. No, I found no new information at this workshop. I found new information but do not know how it could enhance my service efforts. Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Did you attend the entire NYSIWorkshop weekend? Attended entire event Friday to Sunday. Attended two days. Attended one day. Attended just during panel I was interested in. Question Title * 3. Was the facility location easy to find? Had no problem finding location. Had some trouble but got to location without calling for help. Had to call for assistance. Question Title * 4. Was parking difficult during your stay? Had no parking issues at all. Had some parking issues but nothing too difficult. Parking was a nightmare. Question Title * 5. Was the workshop committee available to help with issues? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. Is there anything you'd like the 2024 Workshop committee to know? Done