Community Volunteering Survey

As a valued member of the St Peter’s Girls’ School community, we would like to invite you to participate in our Community Volunteering survey.

There are 14 short questions. Thank you for your time, kind consideration and input.

The survey will close at 5pm Monday 19 February.

Question Title

* 1. Preferred Name

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* 2. Surname

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* 3. Email address

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* 4. Will you have time and/or capacity to volunteer at one of our Saints’ community events/activities in 2018?

If Yes, go to next question
If No, go to survey question 9

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* 5. 2018 Community Groups
Parents’ and Friends’ Association Committee (est. 1939)              
Friends of The Arts (formally Friends of Music est. 1991)                              
Saints Sport Support Group (est. 2008) 
Friends of the ELC (est. 2009)                                                                    
Friends of Rowing (est. 2012)      

As a current parent or guardian of a St Peter’s Girls’ student, you are automatically considered a member of our Parents’ & Friends’ Association.

Are you interested in joining any of our other 2018 Community Group Committees?

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* 6. Being involved as a Parent Year Level Representative for your child’s/children’s class is a wonderful way to connect with fellow parents and friends, and forge lasting friendships throughout your family’s time at St Peter’s Girls’ School. Are you interested in being a parent representative for your year level or would you like more information?

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* 7. Throughout 2018, St Peter’s Girls will hold the following community events:

2018 Community Events

Sunday 25 February - 'Garden of Saintly Delights'  - 10am-4pm  - School grounds
Saturday 17 March - Friends of Rowing - Head of the River and Dinner - 7pm-10pm - Arts Centre
Friday 6 April - ELC Festival of Art  - Arts Centre
Friday 18 May - Community Fashion Show – Ladies’ Night Out  - 7pm-10pm - Arts Centre
Saturday 16 June - Parents & Friends - Community Event  - 7pm-10pm - Gymnasium
Sunday 23 September  - Foundation Long Lunch - 12pm-5pm - Path to the Chapel
Friday 2 November - Community Golf Day and Lunch - 9am - Mt Osmond
Friday 23 November - Friends of ELC - Christmas Picnic - 5pm-7.30pm  - Chiverton Lawns

Would you be interested in completing a two hour volunteering shift at one of these events?

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* 8. If you answered Yes to the question above, how would you volunteer your time.  Please choose from the options below

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* 9. Would you be interested in being the major sponsor of one of our School events?

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* 10. Would you be interested in donating goods and/or services from your business for a raffle prize or silent/major auction?

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* 11. Would you be interested in donating food, wine, soft drinks or consumables to help us with our fundraising efforts?

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* 12. Would you be interested in offering skills or services to help us with our fundraising efforts? For example, free advertising, design, printing, marketing etc.

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* 13. Would you like to find out more about advertising in our School’s online Business Directory?

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* 14. If you are not contributing to the Building Fund, would you be interested in making an ongoing tax-deductable donation to the School’s Foundation on a monthy basis or when you pay your School fees?