Webinar Proposal Form

ACT encourages our members to submit ideas for webinar topics.  Please use the form below to present your proposed webinar.  Be sure to include all required information.  If you are submitting a Chapter or Council event, please use the form on the Chapter or Council Resources page.
1.Your Name(Required.)
4.Proposed Webinar Title(Required.)
5.In 250 words or less, provide a description that clearly describes what the proposed webinar is about. Do not include presenter names, abbreviations, or acronyms in the description. If your proposal is accepted, this description will be used in promotional materials and may be edited for style and clarity by ACT staff.(Required.)
Proposed Presenters (3 max and includes: name, title and affiliation) – ACT reserves the right to add additional speakers:
6.Presenter 1: Full Name, Title, Organization(Required.)
7.Presenter 2: Full Name, Title, Organizations
8.Presenter 3: Full Name, Title, Organization
Learning Outcomes:

Please identify three (3) learning outcomes for your proposed webinar. Learning outcomes should use active verbs, be measurable, and state what the participants should know or be able to do after attending your webinar. Learning outcomes should not simply repeat topics that will be addressed or activities that will take place during the webinar. Phrase each learning outcome as a completion of this sentence: "At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will understand… / be able to…/ know how to…"
9.Learning Outcome 1(Required.)
10.Learning Outcome 2
11.Learning Outcome 3