COVID Questions

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* 1. Full Name

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* 3. Have you travelled outside of Canada (including the United States) within the last 14 days?

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* 4. Have you been in contact with any confirmed COVID-19 positive patients, or persons self isolating because of a determined risk for COVID-19, without wearing appropriate PPE within the last 14 days? (Healthcare workers who have worn appropriate PPE may answer no)

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* 5. Within the past 14 days:
Have you had any of the following symptoms, Which are new and not previously diagnosed as allergies, chronic, or pre-existing related issues?

Fever of 38°C or higher, or feeling hot, chills/feverish?

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* 6. Cough or worsening of a chronic cough? Shortness of breath or other difficulties breathing?

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* 7. Flu like symptoms (sore throat, stuffy nose, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, muscle aches)?

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* 8. Recent alteration or loss of sense of smell or taste? Any new and/or unusual symptoms (feeling unwell, conjunctivitis (pinkeye), or sudden onset of runny nose)?

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* 9. I am responsible for my own food and beverages throughout the day and will bring plenty to eat as there is no food available on site and I will not have an opportunity to leave at lunch.

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