The aim of this work is to create an Ethnic Communities Plan, which supports the growth of the Upper Harbour ethnic community, celebrates our diverse cultures and strengthens community connections and resilience. This work will include engaging and collaborating with local ethnic community stakeholders and mapping our ethnic communities across the Upper Harbour local board area. This activity will help identify local ethnic leadership and gather insights into the specific challenges, opportunities and needs of ethnic communities in the Upper Harbour local board area.

This is a unique opportunity for you to help shape how the local board can better support our vibrant ethnic communities. This work will help to inform future local board decisions, the development of local services and community initiatives in the Upper Harbour local board area.

This feedback is collected to help The Asian Network Incorporated (TANI) understand ethnic communities, their knowledge of local board roles and activities, and their perceptions of different matters. The input will be used to develop the Upper Harbour Local Board Ethnic Communities Plan and will be published in local board reports.
这项工作的目标是制定一个支持Upper Harbour地区的少数民族社区发展的计划,庆祝我们多元文化,并加强社区的联系和抗压能力。该工作将包括与本地少数民族社区利益相关者的互动与合作,并让Upper Harbour地区委员会区域内的少数民族社区进行信息交流。该活动也将帮助发现本地少数民族的领导能力,并获取有关Upper Harbour地区委员会区域内族裔社区面临的具体挑战、机会和需求的信息。


该反馈意见的收集是为了帮助亚洲健康联络中心 (TANI)了解各族裔社区、他们对本地地区委员会工作职责和活动的了解程度以及他们对不同事务的看法。这些意见将用于Upper Harbour地区委员会制定民族社区的计划,并将公布在地区委员会报告中。
이 설문조사는 다문화 커뮤니티 및 지역위원회의 역할과 활동에 대한 이해, 그리고 다양한 사안에 대한 인식을 파악하는 데 도움이 되도록 수집됩니다. 이러한 의견은 Upper Harbour Local Board의 Ethnic Communities Plan을 개발하는 데 사용될 것이며, 차후 Local Board Plan에 포함될 것입니다.
Privacy statement

Participation in this survey is voluntary. We apply ethical standards and confidentiality to the data we collect, to engage with communities and inform government planning and delivery of services. We respect the privacy of all community members who complete our survey. We only collect information we need. All information will be kept confidential and only stored for three years from time of collection.

This survey does not ask for personal information, such as name, address, or email address, so please do not provide such information.

If you want to stay connected with the work that is being done, please get in touch with The Asian Network Incorporated (TANI) at





Question Title


I provide my consent to participate in this survey.


본 설문조사에 참여하는 것에 동의합니다.

Eligibility to Participate

To be eligible to fill out this questionnaire, you need to:
  • Identify yourself as belonging to an ethnic community (According to the New Zealand government, Aotearoa New Zealand’s ethnic communities include those who self-identify their ethnicity as African, Asian, Continental European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern).
  • Live, work or study within the Upper Harbour Local Board boundaries (Upper Harbour Local Board includes Whenuapai, Herald Island, Hobsonville, Scott Point, West Harbour, Pāremoremo, Lucas Heights, Schnapper Rock, Greenhithe, Albany, Rosedale, Windsor Heights, Oteha Valley, Fairview Heights, Northcross, Unsworth, and Pinehill).


  • 确认您属于少数民族社区(根据新西兰政府的定义,少数民族社区包括自认为属于非洲、亚洲、欧洲大陆、拉丁美洲和中东等族裔的人士)。
  • 您是居住或工作在Upper Harbour地方委员会区辖内(Upper Harbour地区委员会区域包括西部的Whenuapai、Herald Island、Hobsonville和West Harbour,以及东部的Paremoremo、Greenhithe、Albany、Rosedale、Northcross、Unsworth和Pinehill)。

참여 자격

다음에 해당되는 분만 설문에 참여해 주세요:
  • 스스로를 다문화 커뮤니티에 속한다고 생각하시는 분 (뉴질랜드 정부에 따르면, Aotearoa New Zealand의 소수 민족 커뮤니티에는 아프리카, 아시아, 유럽 대륙, 라틴 아메리카 및 중동인이 포함됩니다).
  • Upper Harbour Local Board 지역내에서 거주, 근무 또는 공부하시는 분(Upper Harbour Local Board지역은 Whenuapai, Herald Island, Hobsonville, Scott Point, West Harbour, Pāremoremo, Lucas Heights, Schnapper Rock, Greenhithe, Albany, Rosedale, Windsor Heights, Oteha Valley, Fairview Heights, Northcross, Unsworth, Pinehill을 포함합니다).

Questions (All questions require an answer)

Question Title

1. Which suburb(s) within the Upper Harbour Local Board area do you live/work/study in?

你居住/工作/学习的地方是在Upper Harbour地区委员会辖区内的哪个区域?

Upper Harbour Local Board내 어느 지역에 살거나, 일하거나, 공부하고 계십니까?

Question Title

2. Which ethnic group do you identify with? (Choose all applicable)


귀하는 어떤 민족에 속하십니까? (해당되는 모든 항목을 선택하세요)

Question Title

3. Which gender do you identify with?


성별은 무엇입니까?

Question Title

4. What is your age?


나이는 어떻게 되십니까?

Question Title

5. How long have you lived/worked/studied in the Upper Harbour Local Board area?

您在Upper Harbour地方委员会辖区内居住/工作/学习了多久?

Upper Harbour Local Board 지역에 얼마나 오래 사시거나 일하시거나 공부하고 계십니까?

Question Title

6. Did you vote in the local government election in October 2022 for the Mayor, Councillors, or Local Board members?

您是否在 2022 年 10 月的地方政府选举中参加投票选举市长、议员或地方委员会成员?

2022년 10월에 시장, Councillors, 그리고 지역위원회을 선출하기 위한 지역 선거에 참여하셨습니까?

Question Title

7. How well do you rate your knowledge about the role of local government (council and local boards) in Auckland?


오클랜드 카운실 및 지역 위원회에의 역할에 대해 얼마나 잘 알고 있다고 생각하십니까?

Question Title

8. Have you heard that in 2019, Auckland Council declared a climate emergency and in 2020, adopted Auckland's climate plan 'Te Tāruke ā-Tāwhiri'?

您是否知道奥克兰市议会在2019年宣布了气候紧急状态,并在2020年通过了奥克兰气候计划《Te Tāruke ā-Tāwhiri》?

2019년 그리고 2020년에 오클랜드 카운실에서 각각 발표한 기후 변화 및 비상 사태에 대한 계획을 들어보신 적이 있습니까?

Question Title

9. How engaged do you feel with the local board’s decision-making processes?

您对地区委员会的决策过程的参与感如何 ?

지역위원회가 결정하는 절차에 얼마나 참여할 수 있었다고 느끼십니까?

Question Title

10. Do you agree that in Upper Harbour, you have access to a wide range of community amenities and recreational opportunities?

您是否同意在 Upper Harbour 地区辖区内,您有机会享受到各种社区设施和娱乐?

Upper Harbour Local Board 지역 내 있는 광범위한 편의 시설을 이용하거나 혹은 레크리에이션 기회에 참여하였습니까?

Question Title

11. In the past 12 months, how often have you visited community facilities and recreational spaces in the Upper Harbour Local Board area, such as a park, reserve, library, community centre, swimming pool?

在过去12个月中,您访问Upper Harbour地方委员会辖区内的社区设施和娱乐场所(如公园、自然保护区、图书馆、社区中心、游泳池)的频率如何?

지난 12개월간 지역내 있는 공원, 도서관, 커뮤니티 센터, 수영장 등의 공공 시설을 얼마나 자주 방문하셨습니까?

Question Title

12. How satisfied are you with events and activities supported by the local board?


지역위원회에서 지원하는 행사에 얼마나 만족하십니까?

Question Title

13. Do you agree that diverse cultures are embraced and welcomed in the Upper Harbour Local Board area?

您是否同意在Upper Harbour地方委员会辖区内,欢迎和包容多元文化?

Upper Harbour Local Board내에서 다양한 문화가 수용되고 환영받고 있다고 생각하십니까?

Question Title

14. Do you have a strong sense of belonging and identity with your local community?


여러분의 지역 사회에 소속감과 지역 정체성을 느끼십니까?

Question Title

15. Do you agree that Upper Harbour Local Board is a connected, welcoming, and friendly place in which to live, work, study and play?


Upper Harbour Local Board 지역은 살고 일하거나 즐기기 위해서 서로 연계되고 환영받으며 친절한 곳이라고 생각합니까?

Question Title

16. Do you agree that Upper Harbour Local Board area is a safe place in which to live, work, study and play?

您是否同意Upper Harbour地区委员会辖区是一个生活、工作、学习和娱乐的安全地方?

Upper Harbour Local Board 지역은 안전한 곳이라는 데 동의하십니까?

Question Title

17. Do you have any additional comments or questions that you would like to share with us?


위의 질문 외에 추가로 하실 말씀이나 문의 사항이 있으면 적어주세요.

50% of survey complete.