Applications close Thursday 22 August 2024.

Apply here online for the 2025 Māori Medium Education Study Award. It is expected you will complete this application in Te Reo Māori.

Please ensure you meet the eligibility criteria before applying:
  • be fully registered as an early childhood, primary or secondary teacher
  • be permanently employed in immersion and bilingual settings in a kōhanga Reo, ngā puna kōhungahunga, puna reo, licensed ECE service, or a state or state-integrated school
  • aspire to develop your proficiency in te reo Māori
  • have teaching experience in immersion and bilingual settings
  • be committed to developing te reo Māori and tikanga Māori knowledge and skills
  • have applied/will apply to enrol in one of the approved courses (see website for approved courses)
  • provide evidence in your application that you have the approval and support of your employer (principal and school board or ECE centre manager).

If you have any questions please refer to our website: Kaupapa Māori - Māori Medium Education Study Award

Or contact us by calling 0800 165 225 or emailing
1. Personal Details

Question Title

* First Name

Question Title

* Middle Name

Question Title

* Last Name

Question Title

* Date of Birth


Question Title

* Gender

Question Title

* Phone number

Question Title

* Email Address

Question Title

* I am a...

Question Title

* Ethnicity (You may list up to three)

Question Title

* Ethnicity (You may list up to three)

Question Title

* Ethnicity (You may list up to three)

Question Title

* Iwi (You may list up to three)

Question Title

* Iwi (You may list up to three)

Question Title

* Iwi (You may list up to three)

 This information may be used for statistical purposes.
2. Te reo Māori proficiency

Question Title

* Current Qualifications (list any recent qualifications/study you have undertaken) 

Question Title

* What is your proficiency level in Te Reo Māori?

3. Current Employment Information
You must be a fully registered and permanently employed teacher to be eligible to apply

Question Title

* Teacher Registration Number

Question Title

* Registration Status

Question Title

* Current Position

Question Title

* I am a

Question Title

* Are you permanently employed? (you must be permanently employer to be eligible for this award)

Question Title

* Are you part time or full time?

Question Title

* Length of teaching service (total years of service in years) 

Question Title

* Current designated Māori language setting

For ECE teachers, this is shown on your RS61 form. For school teachers and principals, there are four levels based on a full time teaching load

For example, to teach at level 1, you may be working 20-25 hours, where the instruction is in Maori 81-100% of the time. If you don't teach in Te Reo Maori, within one of these levels, please tick "not applicable".

4. Approved Qualifications

Question Title

* What approved qualification are you applying for?

Question Title

* Will you study part time, or full time?

4. Evidence of support

This section of this form asks for evidence of support from either your ECE centre or principal and school board presiding member/employer.

Ensure your ECE centre manager/service provider, or principal and school board presiding member/employer are aware of the length of leave required to complete your study. By signing the form, they will be confirming their support for your application and acknowledging the associated study leave.

Your support must be emailed to directly by Tuesday 10 September 2024.

Please Note!
ECE centre manager/service provider, or principal and school board/employer support must be submitted by Tuesday 10 September 2024.
6. Applicant Declaration

Privacy Declaration
The personal information on this form is being collected to consider your application for a Māori Medium Education Study Award and, should you be successful, administer the study award. It will be used and disclosed to other agencies such as your school and tertiary institutions, only for these purposes. The information collected may also be used by the Ministry of Education for research and statistical purposes. The information will be held by the Ministry of Education and you have the right to access and request correction of this information.