Prior to the Great Recession in 2008, the ABC Federation of Teachers leadership and negotiations team worked with the ABCFT membership to create an understanding of the financial situation and plan a path forward. It is 2020 and your guiding voice is needed again. Please take the time to provide ABCFT leaders with your informed opinion about what priorities the negotiating team can use as vital data in the upcoming bargaining sessions. 

ABCFT will use your answers as background information to help give the ABCFT Executive Board and ABCFT Negotiating Team information and guiding parameters to better serve the needs of the members during these unprecedented times. These budget numbers are the most current numbers we could gather at this time. 

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this budget priority survey. We know ABCFT members have endured much upheaval and have adapted with professionalism and concern to our evolving situation. Your answers are anonymous and no specific information about sites or individuals will be shared, but the priorities and solutions you provide will be shared. 

For more information here is the  ABCFT In-Depth Budget Recap.

In Unity,

ABCFT Leadership

Question Title

* 2. The district is experiencing a budget shortfall and ABCFT is seeking your input regarding the district programs and/or jobs. Respond to each statement with a "yes" for agree or "no" to disagree. You will need enough "yes" to add up to $9 million. Your choices will provide the ABCFT negotiation team with a list of budget priorities.

  Yes No
Reduce 5 Secondary Admin (Dean/GA/AP/Counselor) = $750,000 
Freeze hiring except health and safety = $300,000
Sites, Department Base Budget Reduction, contracts, and PD by 10% = $600,000
Site administrator cover for secondary substitutes for sick or PN = $200,000
Reduce 4 SIAs, 10 Bus Drivers, and 10 Library Clerks = $1.48 million
Suspend fall sports related stipends = $50,000
Reduce TOSA AP at Leal, Niemes, and Cerritos El = $375,000
Class size increase (K-3) by 2 staffing from 26 to 28 (16 teacher positions) = $1.44 million
Eliminate an average of 1 teacher per site (30 teacher positions) = $2.8 million
Suspend music program in elementary schools = $450,000
Reduce Tracy Infant Center Staff (2 teacher positions)= $280,000
Use one-time 1% of district reserve = $2.2 million
Use one-time federal funding = $1.9 million
Use 2 furlough days = $1.42 million
Use additional 2 furlough days = another $1.42 million
Use additional 2* furlough days = another $1.42 million (*More than 4 furlough days would need state legislatures to lower the number of required instructional days below 180 student days.)

Question Title

* 3. Lastly, please add any other comments, suggestions, observations, and/or concerns below. All comments are strictly confidential and will not be shared.