2025-2026 Call for Committee Volunteers

CAPCSD is a volunteer-based organization that provides the best solution-centered support for CSD programs. CAPCSD volunteers are the organization's backbone and help us serve our 350+ member programs and 4,000 faculty.

CAPCSD seeks members such as Chairs, Program Directors, Graduate Coordinators, Clinic Directors, Faculty, Deans, and Provosts. Committees range from involvement in conference planning, training and development, academic and clinical-focused initiatives to task force work on targeted topics.

All committee terms run for two years and begin on July 1, 2025*.

In addition to your contact information, you will be asked to provide your CV and answer the three questions below to demonstrate your interest in experience, expertise, and commitment to volunteering on a CAPCSD committee. Each question has a 100-word limit.
  • What lived and professional experiences do you have relevant to CAPCSD’s mission and vision, and how will you use them to bring CAPCSD forward?
  • Do you have specific activities (i.e., evidence) from your professional life, CAPCSD or otherwise, that speak to you being a good fit for the Academic Affairs Committee?
  • How will you balance committee activities with your other professional duties and commitments? What time and effort can you commit to participate in the work of the committee?

*Note that although the term begins July 1, 2025, Conference Planning Committee member obligations begin in June 2025.

The committee application process closes on Wednesday, February 5, at 8:00 p.m. ET.

Question Title

* 1. First and Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Cell Phone

Question Title

* 4. Organization

Question Title

* 5. Position

Question Title

* 6. Profession

Question Title

* 7. Do you currently serve on a CAPCSD Committee?

Question Title

* 8. Please select the committee for which you would like to volunteer. CAPCSD limits volunteers to serving on one committee; however, you can apply for more than one committee.

If you wish to apply for more than one committee, you must submit one application and then return to submit the second.