2025 Haggis Bashers Ball and Burns Supper Reservations are OPEN! Please be advised that filling out this form does not guarantee a reservation. Reservations will be made on a first come, first serve basis until the event is full. Thank you.

1.Please choose one of the options below.
2.Please enter the table name for 2025 as you would like it referred to for this event.
3.Please enter your name, phone number and email address as the person making the reservation
4.Please enter the name, phone number and email that the invoice should be sent to
5.Please enter the name, phone number and email of the person who will be the point of contact for this table reservation. This person will be contacted with additional details and questions about the event and your table.
6.If you have additional questions at this time, or billing instructions please enter them below. You may also contact Tom Redmond at 907-244-3932 or reservations@tarbas.org. More information about the event and sponsorship can be found on the tarbas.org website. Additional event details will be emailed in December and January as the event approaches. Thank you!