Cranbrook Public Survey

1.Do you live in Cranbrook?
2.How long have you lived in Cranbrook?
3.What is your age?
4.Would you say Downtown Cranbrook is a good place to do business?
5.Do you work downtown?
6.Do you live downtown?
7.If you live downtown, why do you choose to do so?
8.If you do not live downtown, would you consider living in the downtown if there were more housing options?
9.What would attract you to live in downtown Cranbrook?
10.How do you typically travel to downtown?
11.It is usually convenient to park downtown. 
12.Where do you typically park?
13.If you require a disabled parking space, are there enough in the downtown?
14.Downtown is a better place than it was 10 years ago. 
15.What features would encourage you to spend more time downtown? Check all that apply. 
16.Would you like to see more OR less OR the same amount of landscaping downtown?
17.Would you like to see more OR less OR the same amount of art, murals and sculptures downtown?
18.I feel downtown is clean and attractive. 
19.I am proud of my downtown and bring friends and family here when they visit. 
20.I feel safe downtown. 
21.Please indicate how you feel about the following priorities for downtown.
Not a Priority
Low Priority
Medium Priority
High Priority
Increased business diversity
Increased recreational opportunities
Increased school capacity
Increased local employment opportunities
Promote regional public transportation 
Protect historic properties and sites
Increase housing opportunities for mature living
Develop mixed uses in downtown
Beautify gateway entrances into downtown 
Attract new retail development
Attract new office development
Improve traffic flows
Improve bike lanes in and around
Improve pedestrian safety
Maintain Cranbrook's unique character
Increase pedestrian connectivity downtown
Increase tourism
22.How often do you go downtown?
Current Progress,
0 of 22 answered