YWCA Brand Awareness Survey
What words come to mind when you think of YWCA Northeast Indiana?
What are Northeast Indiana's unmet community needs?
Which of YWCA Northeast Indiana's services are you most familiar with? Check all that apply:
Domestic Violence Shelter: Bonnie's House
Addiction Recovery Program: Hope & Harriet
Community-based Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advocacy
Community Education
Dress for Success
Racial Justice Awareness
Therapy Services
Goldstein Family Scholarship Program
24/7 Crisis Line for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Other (please specify)
None of the above
Which of YWCA Northeast Indiana's awareness events/initiatives are you familiar with? Check all that apply:
Power of Persimmon
Empowering Leaders Video Series
Empowerment Today for a Stronger Tomorrow Newsletter
Racial Justice 101 Blog Series
Diversity Dialogues
Coffee & Conversations
Flowers on the River
YWCA Northeast Indiana's Annual Circle Event
Other (please specify)
None of the above
What type of trainings would you like to see YWCA Northeast Indiana offer?
Are you interested in getting involved with YWCA Northeast Indiana (volunteering, board, committees, etc.)?
Yes. If yes, please select this option and follow the link above