
Thank you for your interest in continuing to engage with the RVAgreen 2050 initiative. This form will allow the Office of Sustainability to identify and form networks of interested advocates to support Richmond's equitable climate action and resilience work into the future. 

Email us directly at if you have any questions or ideas! We greatly appreciate your continued support of RVAgreen 2050. 

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your contact information below.

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate your engagement preferences around each of the following equitable climate action and resilience Pathways.

  Buildings and Energy Community Environment Transportation and Mobility Waste Reduction and Recovery I'm not interested in participating in this way.
Implement: Contribute my knowledge (technical expertise and/or lived experience) to an implementation team or other group working to implement RVAgreen 2050 strategies
Stay informed: Receive information and updates, including opportunities for action
Lead: Lead and/or participate in RVAgreen 2050 events as a Community Climate Leader
Promote: Volunteer to share upcoming engagement opportunities and promotional materials with my network
Advocate: Engage with City Council and other elected and City representatives to promote equitable climate action and resilience

Question Title

* 3. Please describe any other ways that you would like to stay engaged with RVAgreen 2050 moving forward, including any particular topics or areas that you are interested in: