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                                Obesity Management in Primary Care Australia

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is very important.
Weight management is a common service provided in general practice. The purpose of this survey is to investigate the different treatment strategies GPs look to deploy when managing overweight and obesity in Australia, together with identifying the barriers to treating obesity.

By completing this anonymous survey, you can help researchers and other physicians understand the current climate in which weight management exists in primary care across Australia. This will help highlight preferred treatment modalities currently delpoyed, any shortcomings experienced in weight management, and expectations from both physicians and patients.

The survey will take 5-10 minutes.

This project has been approved by the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee.

The survey does not collect any personal details, so we will not know who has responded. We are hoping to publish the results in a peer reviewed journal.

Although data is anonymous it will be stored on an international server and may be accessible by other parties as the international privacy laws are not synonymous with Australian Privacy Laws

Completing the survey indicates that you agree for us to include your responses in our research.

Once you submit all your responses to the survey, you will not have a chance to go back and change any responses after hitting finish

For questions relating to the study, please contact Hazer Khalifa at

If you have any complaints as a study participant then you can contact the NBMLHD HREC Executive Officer, Ph 4737 3174 and Email
Please quote the following study reference number 2022/ETH01346

Thank you for your assistance

Alison Poulton, Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics, Sydney Medical School Nepean, University of Sydney

Hazer Khalifa, PhD Candidate, Sydney Medical School Nepean, University of Sydney

Lakshmi Gribble, General Practitioner

A/Prof John Kramer, General Practitioner, Beach St Family Practice

Vishal Verma, General Practitioner, Derby St Family Medical Centre

Jeffrey Kruk, General Practice Registrar

Habib Bhurawala, Associate Professor in Paediatrics, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District
0 of 35 answered