Association of Integrated Schools Parent Survey 2017

Richmond View School

Question Title

1. Please indicate your opinion on the following statements:

  Very Strong Strong Neutral/Unsure Not Very Strong Poor
Students of their own free will, through their school experiences, have the opportunity to love and serve the Lord their God with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their strength and with all their mind and to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
Students learn to demonstrate consideration, kindness and respect for others and take responsibility for their own actions so as to love their neighbour as themselves.
Students’ unique value, gifting and calling in the eyes of God is recognised by the school.
Students have the opportunity to pursue a level of excellence in all they do and develop their God given talents to their utmost ability.
Students are prepared to both serve and lead as responsible members of their family, their church, their local community and the national and global communities.
The role of parents in the education of their children is reinforced and strengthened by the school.
Students are actively engaged in their education with God at the centre.
Teachers and other staff are passionate about Christian Education and lead by example from Biblical principles.
The Leadership Team is passionate about Christian Education and leads by example from Biblical principles.
The school caters for the character development of children appropriately for their age and stage.
The school is a vibrant expression of community as envisioned in the school’s Special Character.
The school equips staff well to deliver its Special Character effectively.
The school has excellent pastoral care.

Question Title

2. Please indicate your opinion on the following statements:

  Very Strong Strong Neutral/Unsure Not Very Strong Poor
Students of their own free will, through their school experiences, have the opportunity to love and serve the Lord their God with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their strength and with all their mind and to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
Students learn to demonstrate consideration, kindness and respect for others and take responsibility for their own actions so as to love their neighbour as themselves.
Students’ unique value, gifting and calling in the eyes of God is recognised by the school.
Students have the opportunity to pursue a level of excellence in all they do and develop their God given talents to their utmost ability.
Students are prepared to both serve and lead as responsible members of their family, their church, their local community and the national and global communities.
The role of parents in the education of their children is reinforced and strengthened by the school.
Students are actively engaged in their education with God at the centre.
Teachers and other staff are passionate about Christian Education and lead by example from Biblical principles.
The Leadership Team is passionate about Christian Education and leads by example from Biblical principles.
The school caters for the character development of children appropriately for their age and stage.
The school is a vibrant expression of community as envisioned in the school’s Special Character.
The school equips staff well to deliver its Special Character effectively.
The school has excellent pastoral care.

Question Title

3. Taking everything into consideration how satisfied are you with the overall performance of the school.