Thank you for participating in this survey which is being conducted by Urban Matters CCC. The survey results will be synthesized into a summary report outlining key themes and recommendations. Your privacy will be protected. No identifying information will be included in the report and the raw survey data will not be shared with anyone other than Urban Matters team. For more information contact

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* 1. Do you self-identify as an Indigenous person?

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* 2. Do you currently work in any of the following sectors?

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* 3. Did you participate in a Bridging the Gap Workshop? If so, which one?

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* 4. How did you hear about Bridging the Gap?

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* 5. Do you think that investing in personal effectiveness and leadership skill development (for example personal planning, communication, resiliency, and positive attitude, etc.) could contribute to stronger economic outcomes for Indigenous individuals and communities?

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* 6. What personal effectiveness / leadership skills need to be developed to strengthen employment, education and economic development outcomes for Indigenous peoples and communities?

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* 7. In your opinion, what is the biggest barrier to economic prosperity for Indigenous peoples in Canada?

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* 8. Generally speaking, how accessible is personal development / leadership training for Indigenous peoples?

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* 9. Have you, your friends or family members ever attended a  personal development / leadership development program? 

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* 10. Are you aware of any government, industry or non-government funding that supports personal / leadership development programming for Indigenous peoples?

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* 11. Are you aware of any personal effectiveness / leadership programs that are delivered BY Indigenous peoples FOR Indigenous peoples?

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* 12. How effective are the following methods for developing personal effectiveness and leadership skills?

  Very effective Somewhat effective Not effective
Offsite training workshops (i.e. delivered outside the community)
Onsite training workshops (i.e. delivered in the community)
Online videos
Interactive online webinars
Peer to peer learning through stories and examples
Personal mentorship from Elders or other leaders

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* 13. Would you or your organization be interested in contributing knowledge, time, or other resources towards the development of a Bridging the Gap socio-economic equality strategy?

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* 14. Would you be interested in receiving a copy of the what we heard report that summarizes key needs and recommendations?

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* 15. Thank you for your feedback. Do you have any further comments or suggestions on the Bridging the Gap initiative?