This short survey is one way that we will be gathering this information over the coming months. Please use the comment boxes to provide your answers.

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* 1. Please tell us your postcode

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* 2. Please tell us which age bracket you are in

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* 3. The vision for the future - What are the three key changes you would like to see in Aylesham & Snowdown over the next 15 years?

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* 4. Development and management of land
What type and level of development would you like to see in the parish? Are there any areas of the parish you would like to see developed? Are there any specific areas you want protected for other uses?

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* 5. Homes - What type of homes would you like to see in the parish? What size of home is needed in the parish? Any other requirements?

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* 6. Design - Are there any areas of local character which are particularly important to the community? e.g. materials, features of buildings or local character?

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* 7. The natural environment – Do you see opportunities to protect our natural environment? If so, what are they?

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* 8. Jobs – Give information about opportunities that should be provided

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* 9. Tourism - What are the two most important developments required within the parish as regards to tourism.

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* 10. Public spaces – What do you consider to be the important public spaces here and what you would use them for?

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* 11. Infrastructure – What infrastructure does the local community need, where are there shortfalls or a lack of local provision?

Thank you for your responses. Please click 'Done' below to send in your answers.