(SCH) Aves V/W/X Survey Hello! Thank you for participating in a survey about your experiences with Avenues V, W & X. This survey will ask you about how you usually get around the neighborhood and if you have any issues doing so.This survey should take 2 to 4 minutes to complete. Thank you! Question Title * 1. Location:*If entering the survey on a personal/public computer without the aid of a NYC DOT representative, please answer "Feedback Portal" for this question. NYCHA Community Center Kings Bay Y Kings Bay Library Feedback Portal Question Title * 2. Do you live in the Nostrand/Sheepshead Bay NYCHA Houses? Yes If not, please enter your home zip code: Question Title * 3. What is your primary mode for getting to work/school everyday? (select all that apply) Drive alone Drive with someone (carpool) Subway Bus Bike Walk No longer work Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How long is your average commute? (minutes) Question Title * 5. When walking in the neighborhood, where do you usually go? To Work To School Shopping/Errands Public Transit Social/Recreation Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. As a pedestrian, which of the following are traffic safety concerns for you in the neighborhood? Speeding Vehicles failing to yield to pedestrians Illegal turns Long crossing distances Illegal parking (doubling parking, parking on hydrants, etc.) Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Rate your level of comfort walking around the neighborhood: 1 - Uncomfortable 2 - Somewhat Uncomfortable 3 - Neutral 4 - Somewhat Comfortable 5 - Comfortable Question Title * 8. Do you own or have access to a car? Yes, I own a car Yes, I have access to a car No Question Title * 9. When driving in the neighborhood, where do you usually go? To Work To School Shopping/Errands Public Transit Social/Recreation I don't have a car Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Do you own or have access to a bicycle? Yes, I own a bike Yes, I have access to a bike No Question Title * 11. When biking, where do you usually ride a bike to? To work To school To shop/conduct errands To public transit I only ride in a park/off-street path I don't have/ride a bike Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. Would you be more likely to ride a bike in the neighborhood if there was/were: Any kind of bicycle facility available Better connections to other bicycle routes and parks Better connections to transit Better traffic enforcement Wouldn't bike under any circumstance Other (please specify) Below are a few of street treatments the NYC DOT can apply to Avenues V, W and X to create better conditions for all road users. *Please note that these are possible treatments. Question Title Question Title * 13. Which of these street treatments would you like to see? (Check all that apply) Curb extensions Pedestrian Islands New Crosswalks Left Turn lanes Improved Accessibility Bike Lanes Question Title * 14. Additional Comments? Question Title * 15. Gender Identity: Male Female Trans male/Trans man Trans female/Trans woman Genderqueer/Gender non-conforming/Gender fluid Prefer not to say Different Identity (please state): Question Title * 16. Race/Ethnicity: White Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Middle Eastern or North African American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Some other race, ethnicity or origin Prefer not to say Question Title * 17. Age: Under 20 20 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 + Prefer not to say Done