Test your knowledge with these ten questions, based on the Australian Wine Discovered Chardonnay module.

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* Lenswood and Piccadilly Valley are sub-regions of which Chardonnay-producing region?

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* What is the name given to a sparkling wine made from 100% Chardonnay?

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* Which of these winemaking options are often used to make Chardonnay?

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* Which is the correct order for classic Chardonnay winemaking?

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* Which of these regions in Victoria is best known for its Chardonnay?

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* What does ‘ABC’ stand for?

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* Which chardonnay-producing region in Western Australia is surrounded on three sides by the ocean?

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* Which of these flavour profiles is NOT typical for Chardonnay?

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* When were the first Chardonnay vines planted in Australia?

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* What does Bâttonage mean?