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* 1. What is your campus affiliation?

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* 2. What is your primary use for campus Wi-Fi?

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* 3. What wireless devices do you use on campus Wi-Fi?

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* 4. Do you use campus Wi-fi as your primary connection to the internet?

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* 5. Please list each of your devices and what operating system you are working in:

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* 6. Please estimate the number of hours on average you use a wireless device on campus Wi-Fi each day:

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* 7. How do you rate your satisfaction with the campus Wi-Fi network?

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* 8. Please share your campus Wi-Fi issues with us so that we may better serve you.

List specific campus locations where you experience Wi-Fi issues and be sure to include as much detail as possible.
West Classroom: I have a class in West Classroom on Fridays at 9am and internet access access is often slow or drops me when I am doing research.
Tivoli Student Union: Most days when I stream Netflix on my 2017 MacBook Pro the connection gets sluggish after 15 minutes.
Holly Parking Lot: I do remote classes in my car in Holly lot on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Zoom kicks me off after 15 minutes and I have to log back in again.

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* 9. How many of your devices do you typically have connected to campus Wi-Fi at the same time?

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* 10. Please share additional campus Wi-Fi issue feedback you would like to share: