Booking Information

The "Local Artisan Food and Craft Showcase" in a specially designated and branded area of the Galway Christmas Market.

Local producers are invited to avail of the opportunity to trade from a shared wooden chalet on Eyre Sq West (the Skeff & shopping centre side of the square) for a period of a minimum of 1 week to a maximum of 2 weeks at a daily rate of €60. In order to qualify, producers must be selling only artisan products made by hand, of which they are the producers.

Once it is established that you qualify to take part in the "Local Artisan Food and Craft Showcase", places will be allocated on a first come first served basis in order of preference of dates.

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* 1. Business Name (As it should appear on your Invoice)

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* 2. Trading Name (As it appears on your signage or any publicity material we may use)

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* 3. First name

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* 4. Surname

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* 5. Contact Details

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* 6. Describe your product?
Please note this is strictly a retail opportunity. It will not be possible to sell food for immediate consumption, offerings must be limited to cold and packaged food items for consumption at home or as gift items.

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* 7. Please provide us with a detailed description of all your products. (Please note that this description may be used for    publicity purposes). You must also indicate the price range for you products in Euro. 

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* 8. Please include pictures of your proposed products

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Choose File

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* 9. There will be limited opportunities to conduct craft making demonstrations alongside the sales outlets.  Please let us know if this is something you would be interested in doing?

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* 10. Please rank in order of preference the dates on which you would like to trade.

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* 11. Please indicate if you would like to trade for a 2nd week

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* 12. Have you already identified a partner with whom to share a chalet?  Please note they must also apply to us separately and independently of you, using this form and must meet the qualification criteria.

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* 13. If yours is a food product, please provide us with your EHO food registration details

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* 14. Name of Insurance Provider

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* 15. Insurance Policy number

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* 16. Please specify the level of Insurance cover in place:

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* 17. Please provide us with your VAT, PPS or RSI number

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* 18. Certifications: Please select all that apply to your business and upload copies of same using the link below.

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* 19. Please upload any relevant certification and/or insurance documents.

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

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* 20. Any other information to support your application

Terms and Conditions for Traders

1. All market traders will be required to provide relevant proof of Public Liability Insurance and Employers Liability Insurance (where applicable). 

2. All traders must comply with fire regulations and ensure that all materials used within their pitch are certified flame retardant. No naked flames or petrol generators will be permitted.

3. Food traders are required to adhere to EHO regulations and ensure that they have the relevant certification plus fire extinguishers and fire blankets. Any trader not in compliance will be shut down by the Fire Officer and no refunds will be given.

4. Any trader using electrical equipment must provide PAT and RECI certification where relevant. No 13 amp plugs will be allowed.

5. The market operators reserve the right to limit the number of stallholders offering similar products and/or food and do not offer exclusivity to any one trader.

6. Stalls are not allocated on a first come/ first serve basis, your location within the Market site will be decided by Milestone Inventive. This decision is non-negotiable. Where a choice of location is possible preference will be given to traders who have paid their fees in advance, in full.

7. Merchandise – Traders are permitted to sell only those items that the market management have agreed in advance and that have been declared in full on their application form. 

8. Upon arrival to the site, all traders MUST check in with the Market Operator and wait to be sited by a member of the crew. Only those who have paid in full will be allowed on site. 

9. Payments are charged as per the rate card and VAT @ 23% applies

10. Payment in full of pitch fee is required prior to arrival on site.

11. Absolutely no recourse will be given for closure of an event that is beyond our control. 

12. Conduct of Business – Traders shall conduct themselves and their business in such manner as to maintain the good order, discipline and reputation of the market. 

13. Market Stalls – The stallholder shall only trade from a stall approved by the Market operator at a location that is designated by the Market operator.

14. All traders must also provide the relevant documentation pertaining to the insurance and fire certification of their units.

15. Traders are required to be open and operational during the core Market opening hours and are required to cease trading outside of these hours. Failure to comply will result in exclusion in either the current or future years.

16. NO VEHICLES will be allowed ON SITE. Access will be available for deliveries at designated times only (as per specific instructions to traders which you will receive on arrival) . Vehicles left in the trading area during Market opening hours will be fined and potentially clamped/and or removed. 

17. Vehicles on site during the set-up and take down of the Market will only be allowed access under the supervision of the site manager.

18. Traders that have “sold out” before the official loading times will be allowed to trolley their stock from their vehicle but they may not bring their vehicle on to the site.

19. Refuse & environment – Appropriate receptacles will be provided for food waste, dry recyclable waste and residual waste. Traders are responsible for separating, removing and disposing of all their waste material accordingly and for keeping their designated area litter free. Traders who repeatedly leave waste on site will be permanently banned from the market. Traders are also responsible for ensuring that waste receptacles are brought to the waste compound to be emptied and/or replaced as they become full and for ensuring that waste overspill is avoided. All waste water must be properly disposed of. Biodegradable or reusable food service supplies must be provided as far as possible. Condiments must be served in containers and not in individual packets. Environmentally friendly washing up liquids and soaps must be used as far as possible.

20. Where appropriate, the stallholder must comply with all relevant Food Hygiene legislation.

21. By law, no smoking in the chalets, units or Marquees. 

22. Traders are obliged to dress their units in a way that is in keeping with the general décor of the event and are not permitted to play music or unduly create noise.

23. Any accidents, unresolved disputes, thefts, losses, disorderly conduct or damage must be reported to the Market Manager without delay.

24. Anti-social behaviour by the stallholder or a member of his/her staff will mean instant dismissal from the market.

25. Traders drawing power will be given one connection point on the distribution board and will need to bring their own out-door extension leads (min 20m).

26. By submitting this form you are consenting to the EHO sharing details about your business with the Market Operators, in so far as it facilitates your participation in the event

27. Where on-site security is provided by Milestone, it is still the responsibility of the individual trader to secure their own pitch. Milestone will not be held liable for any damage, theft or loss sustained during the event.

28. Whilst Milestone endeavour to ensure that each event is successful, they bear no responsibility for footfall or levels of trade. Traders participate in these events at their own commercial risk and are wholly responsible for informing themselves about the event.

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* 21. By submitting this form, I adhere to agree to the above Terms and Conditions set forth by the Market Operators above.