Welcome to My Survey

Thank you for participating in our survey.  We are seeking feedback on the Arrowtown Community draft report.  The report sets out a long term vision and key recommendations for the future of Arrowtown.  The full report is available here.  

All responses are confidential and the information will be collated with feedback received at public forum on 16th October 2017. If you would like to discuss the report further please contact executive@shapingourfuture.org.nz. Thank you for participating - together we can create a better future for the Lakes District.

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* 1. Arrowtown Community Vision 2050 and beyond.  This vision is supported by four sub groups or pillars for Arrowtown - Heritage, Character, Community and Environment.  Each of the pillars have a vision and recommendations to support the overall vision:
"A vibrant, diverse community that is engaged in managing its future in a way that values and protects its heritage, character, lifestyle and the natural environment sustainably"

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* 2. Growth and Density are critical issues facing Arrowtown.  The following recommendations aim to manage growth into the future.
Recommendation:  The current Urban Growth Boundary is maintained and protected.

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* 3. Growth Recommendation:   Arrowtown Planning Advisory Group adopts an expanded role addressing density and design falling outside of the Arrowtown Design Guidelines.  The group must be representative of the community and/or consult with the community.  the group needs to have adequate funding to carry out the expanded role.

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* 4. Growth Recommendation:  Any new development/intensification should be accessible through walking/biking/public transport friendly over the predominance of cars.

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* 5. Heritage Sub Vision:  "Arrowtown is a living, ever changing town that respects, retains and celebrates its heritage, character and amenities.  Heritage continues to be an economic driver for Arrowtown"

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* 6. Heritage Recommendations:  QLDC rigorously uses its statutory documents (District Plan and Arrowtown Design  Guidelines) to ensure that the rich heritage status of the Arrowtown continues to be maintained.  This includes buildings, plantings, features and landscapes in order to action recommendations of the Heritage Sub Group Plan in Appendix 1

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* 7. Heritage Recommendation:  QLDC develops a long term infrastructure plan for Arrowtown, including funding, for the immediate and projected infrastructure needs of residents and visitors. Any infrastructure plan should take into consideration the heritage and character values of Arrowtown.

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* 8. Character Sub Vision:  "The character and amenities valued by Arrowtown residents and visitors today, are carried forward into the future.  The towns scale respects th natural landforms and new and old sit comfortably together."

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* 9. Character Recommendation:  QLDC extends the application of the proposed Arrowtown Design Guidelines to the whole of Arrowtown.

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* 10. Character Recommendation:  QLDC allocates and Arrowtown specific town planner that is an expert on Arrowtown design guidelines and can prepare reports.

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* 11. Character Recommendation:  Intensification should be accompanied by policies on sustainability and best environmental policy with consideration give to walking/cycling accessibility over the predominance of cars. 

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* 12. Character Recommendation:  A multi-purpose green belt is established around Arrowtown to mark the town boundary.  The green belt is also used for community purposes eg rec ground, community gardens.

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* 13. Community Sub Vision:  "Community spirit is at the heart and soul of Arrowtown.  Our community enjoys a safe, accessible town that encourages us to connect as we live, work and play.  We feel a sense of belonging, share common values, support and care about each other and are proud to live here.  Visitors are welcomed and embraced."

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* 14. Community Recommendation:  Arrowtown continues to have a representative to influence council decision-making regarding education, health, transport and technology.

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* 15. Community Recommendation:  QLDC/ORC provides a regular, cost effective public transport system that enables easy access between Arrowtown and other districts in the region.

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* 16. Community Recommendation:  QLDC undertakes a mapping exercise to identify needs for pathways, bike stands, walking strips and lower speed limits.

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* 17. Community Recommendation:  QLDC and the Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust create a plan to ensure affordable housing is available. 

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* 18. Community Recommendation:  Arrowtown organisations provide mentoring to ensure the succession of new volunteers.

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* 19. Community Recommendation:  Land and buildings are protected by QLDC and Queenstown & District Historic agencies for the community purposes of future generations.

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* 20. Community Recommendation:  QLDC to lobby the District Health Board for more comprehensive health services in the Wakatipu Basin.

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* 21. Community Recommendation:  Support for an Economic Development Agency to diversify the local Arrowtown community.

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* 22. Environment Sub Vision:  "Arrowtown's natural environment is valued as a foundation of community well-being.  We care for our town's drinking water, clean air, native flora/fauna, natural landscape, town greenscapes, and we accept the shared responsibility to ensure these are sustained and enriched."

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* 23. Environment Sub Vision:  "Arrowtown's natural environment is valued as a foundation of community well-being.  We care for our town's drinking water, clean air, native flora/fauna, natural landscape, town greenscapes, and we accept the shared responsibility to ensure these are sustained and enriched. 

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* 24. Environment Recommendation:  An Arrowtown Environment Stakeholder Group is established to work collaboratively towards a better future for the town.  The groups responsibilities would include:
  • Community education and consultation
  • Collecting and/or lobbying for effective baseline environmental measures
  • Sourcing funding and applying collaboratively for funding
  • Waste reduction and recycling strategies
  • Monitoring baseline and measuring achievements eg air and water quality
  • Establishing native flora and fauna strategy and co-ordination of wilding pine eradication. 

More detailed information is available within the report

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* 25. Any other comments or feedback on the report?

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* 26. Contact Details

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* 27. Shaping our Future Membership