Conducted by the Alliance for Performance Excellence & Alliance Members

This survey is based on the seven Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence® categories to help organizations identify ideas for making improvements and recognize opportunities for innovation. For each statement in questions 1 - 7, check the response that best matches how you feel about your organization. In questions 8 - 10, please check the best response, so we can capture demographic information. If you want more information on how the Baldrige Framework can improve your organization's performance, learn more at

Question Title

* 1. Category 1: Leadership

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
1A. I know my organization's mission (what it wants to accomplish).
1B. I know my organization's vision (where it wants to go in the future).
1C. My senior (top) leaders are ethical and demonstrate our organization's values.
1D. My senior leaders create a work environment that helps me do my job.
1E. My organization's leaders share information about the organization.
1F. My organization asks me what I think.

Question Title

* 2. Category 2: Strategy

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
2A. My organization asks for my ideas when preparing for the future.
2B. My organization encourages totally new ideas (innovation).
2C. My organization adopts new technology when preparing for the future.
2D. I receive information that helps me determine whether I am making progress on my work group's part of the organization's plan.
2E. My organization makes changes quickly when needed to address sudden disasters or new ideas.

Question Title

* 3. Category 3: Customers - Note: Your customers are the people who use the product of your work.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
3A. My organization treats all customers fairly.
3B. I know who my most important customers are.
3C. I regularly ask my customers what they need and want.
3D. I am allowed to make decisions to satisfy my customers.
3E. I also know who my organization's most important customers are.

Question Title

* 4. Category 4: Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
4A. I know how to measure the quality of my work.
4B. I can use this information to make changes that will improve my work.
4C. I know how the measures I use in my work fit into the organization's overall measures of improvement.
4D. I get all the important information I need to make changes to my work when my organization makes unplanned changes.
4E. I know how my organization as a whole is doing.

Question Title

* 5. Category 5: Workforce

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
5A. The people I work with cooperate and work as a team.
5B. My bosses support, encourage, and enable me to develop my job skills so I can advance my career.
5C. I am recognized for my work.
5D. I have a safe workplace.
5E. My bosses and my organization care about me.
5F. My organization is committed to including and embracing people from varying backgrounds and treating everyone fairly.

Question Title

* 6. Category 6: Operations

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
6A. I can get everything I need to do my job.
6B. We have good processes for doing our work.
6C. My organization regularly reviews and improves its processes.
6D. My organization protects important assets (property), data, and information (security and cybersecurity).
6E. We are prepared to handle an emergency.

Question Title

* 7. Category 7: Results

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree
7A. My work products meet all requirements.
7B. I know how well my organization is doing financially.
7C. My organization has the right people and skills to do its work.
7D. My organization removes things that get in the way of progress.
7E. My organization obeys laws and regulations.
7F. My organization practices high standards and ethics.
7G. My organization helps me help my community.
7H. My organization is a good place to work for all employees.
7I. I am committed to my organization's success.

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* 8. What industry sector is your organization in?

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* 9. What role do you have in your organization?

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* 10. What size is your organization?

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* 11. Would you like to give more information about any of your responses? Please include the number of the statement (for example, 2A or 7D) you are discussing in your response below. (Optional)

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* 12. If you would like to engage with your state/regional Baldrige-based program, please provide your name, contact information, and the state your organization is located. (Optional)