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Your chance to help to shape Arden University and have your voice heard!

  • The Insight & Research Team here at Arden University are continuously looking for students who want to take part in focus group research sharing their thoughts and opinions about their University experience.
  • Students will receive an Amazon voucher as a thank you for attending any Arden University focus group organised by the Insight & Research Team.
  • By completing the below, you are agreeing for the Insight & Research Team to contact you regarding any upcoming focus groups which they believe may be of interest to you.
  • Once you have completed the below, your details with be held within SurveyMonkey. If, at any time, you no longer wish to be considered for any upcoming Arden University focus groups please email with your name, Arden University email address and your request.

Question Title

* How are your currently studying with Arden University?
Please select one of the below

Question Title

* What course are you currently studying at Arden University?

Question Title

* Arden University email address:

Question Title

* If attending a focus group which of the below timings would work best for you?
Please select one of the below

Question Title

* How would you best describe your usage of Arden University online library?
Please select one of the below

Question Title

* How would you best describe your understanding of how to use Arden University's library?
Please select one of the below

Question Title

* On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with Arden University's library?
1: very dissatisfied to 10: very satisfied

1: very dissatisfied 10: very satisfied
0 of 9 answered