Application Form

Thank you for your desire to serve in a leadership role at St. Luke's UMC. Our 2024 Lay Leadership Committee will review all applications and recommend a 2025 slate that balances backgrounds, gifts, and experiences. The slate will be voted upon at our January 2025 Church Conference.

The leaders of St. Luke’s Church Council, Lay Leadership Committee, Finance and Operations Committee, Staff/Parish Relations Committee, Advancement Committee, and Board of Trustees are entrusted with the strategic planning, decision-making, and policy implementation that enable the congregation to carry out the ministries of the church.

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* 1. Your Information:

Question Title

* 2. Where do you most frequently worship?

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* 3. I am interested in:
(Please select all that apply.)

Question Title

* 4. Though there are limited governance roles, there are countless ways to serve with and through St. Luke’s. Are you interested in any of the following teams? (More information about all of our serving teams can be found by visiting