Caribbean Travel Trade and Consumer Pulse Survey

This survey is being administered to gauge the sentiment of how Caribbean persons feel about travelling within the region in the near future. Thank you for your participation.

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* 1. Which age group applies to you ?

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* 2. Where do you live?

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* 3. What gender are you ?

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* 4. Do you work in the travel and hospitality industry in the Caribbean?

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* 5. Has the COVID-19 pandemic had a positive or negative impact on your overall business operations or financial situation?

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* 6. How important is cost when choosing a vacation destination?

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* 7. How do you feel about travelling within the Caribbean? Please briefly explain why.

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* 8. What are 3 of the main reasons you travel within the Caribbean?

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* 9. With pent-up travel demand, is Antigua and Barbuda at the top of your travel list?

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* 10. How likely are you to travel this year, or in 2022? 

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* 11. Where do you plan to travel to first? Tell us why.