Welcome to the 2022 Loudoun County Youth Net Survey

In 2019, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors (BoS), due in part to the significant growth over the last decade, launched a new initiative called “Youth Net” to ensure there were ample programs and services available to help Loudoun’s youth thrive. The goal was to establish a feedback mechanism to help County leaders stay current on trends in youth behaviors, interests, and needs. This survey is a continuation of those efforts and is planned to be an annual activity conducted by the Advisory Commission on Youth (ACOY). ACOY consists of nine volunteers appointed by the Board of Supervisors to represent their respective districts, two youth representatives from the Youth Advisory Council, as well as three community representatives. ACOY regularly engages with liaisons from local government agencies, county public schools as well as other non-government youth focused organizations. Information gathered from this survey will be used to inform ACOY's annual report to the Loudoun Board of Supervisors.
About the Survey:
This survey is for youth, ages 13-22, who live in Loudoun County. Survey responses are anonymous. This means we have no way to connect your responses to you. To ensure anonymity, you are not required to provide any individually identifying information (e.g., your name, home address, birth date, IP-address, etc.). In addition, only combined data will be shared publicly. This means we will summarize the types of responses received and report those when discussing responses to the 2022 Youth Net Survey.
This year’s survey covers four topic areas: Activities and Interests, Mental Health and Stress Management, Online Access and Activity, and Drug and Alcohol Use. There are questions on the survey about prior drug and alcohol use, thoughts about self-harm, and stressors in your life. You may choose to skip questions for any reason, but it is our hope that you will answer all honestly. The electronic survey consists of 25 questions and takes roughly 10 – 15 minutes to complete.
We appreciate you taking time to complete the survey and helping us better understand the needs of Loudoun youth.

Question Title

* Are you a …?