Annual Learning Exchange Questionnaire

Thank you for attending the Annual Learning Exchange! Please take a few minutes to answer questions about your experience. Your input will help shape next year's gathering. Note: This questionnaire is anonymous and results are used internally. Thank you for your time!
1.How helpful did you find the Annual Learning Exchange breakout sessions?
2.Which breakout sessions did you participate in? Check all that apply.
3.What new insights did you gain from today's breakout sessions, and do you plan to implement any new strategies?
4.What was helpful about the Annual Learning Exchange? What worked well? What trainings/resources did you find most helpful?
5.What could be improved for the next Annual Learning Exchange? Was there anything missing?
6.Describe how connected you feel to the Long Island Sound Study (LISS) community. Has the Annual Learning Exchange made you feel more connected to the LISS community?
7.What are some future trainings and resources you would like to see?
8.Is there anything else you would like to share?