The workshop is being held in Lower Hutt at Wellesley Boys College, Days Bay from 7pm Friday 29 November through to 3pm Sunday 1 December.

The registration fee is $99 for SANZ members or $49.50 for YSIH, if paid by Friday 1 November (After this date the registration fee will increase to $120/$60)

Morning and afternoon teas are included in the registration fee.

Question Title

* 1. Your name

Question Title

* 3. What is your voice part (you can tick more than one)?

Question Title

* 4. For those with dietary requirements ...

Now you've got to this point in the registration process - open up another tab/window in your browser to do your registration fee payment.

Pay your registration fee into the SANZ bank account as per details below. Make sure you use the following particulars and code details for payment and insert your own surname under reference. This will make it easier for our finance coordinator to reconcile payments.

SANZ bank account details for payment 02-0874-0185261-00

Put following details as reference:

  • Particulars – Anne D
  • Code – Reg
  • Reference – (insert your surname)

Question Title

* 5. Confirming that I have paid my registration

Looking forward to seeing you in Lower Hutt