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* 1. What would you rate the Town Hall (1-5 Stars)?

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* 2. Was the content shared at the Town Hall:

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* 3. Was the Town Hall timeframe of 90 minutes

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* 4. In the future would you like the Town Halls during

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* 5. What content would you like to see more or less of in future Town Halls?

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* 6. What changes/improvements would you make regarding the format of the Town Hall?

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* 7. What information resonated with you the most?

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* 8. Did you experience any technical difficulties with the Town Hall virtual set up?

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* 9. If yes, what were the technical difficulties that you experienced?

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* 10. How often should our Town Hall Meetings occur?

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* 11. What other communication touchpoints do you want to have throughout the year?