Question Title

* 1. Today's Date


Question Title

* 2. Your Name

Question Title

* 3. Your Email

Question Title

* 4. Student's Name

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* 5. Student ID (If Known)

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* 6. Student's Email

Question Title

* 7. How long and in what capacity have you known this student?

Question Title

* 8. Does this student possess the characteristics that would make them a good ambassador of Sandburg? (Please rate the following characteristics below on the indicated scale for the student you are nominating).

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Open, Friendly & Approachable
Interested in Meeting New People
Effective Communicator
Showing Potential Leadership Qualities

Question Title

* 9. In what ways has this student shown leadership skills/qualities?

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* 10. Do you have any other notes or comments you would like to share about this student?